Retail Portfolio
Below is a comprehensive list of what makes up a retail portfolio.
- Deeds
- Lease
- Agreement for Lease
- Rent Review
- Lease Surrender
- Licence
- Agreements
- Land Registry
- Planning etc
- Wayleaves & Grant of Easements
- Estates
- Service Charge
- Rating
- Management Correspondence
- Sublet
- Insurance
- Rent Review
- Lease Renewal
- Key Lease Information
- Invoices
- Dilapidations
- Budget
- Acquisitions
- Capex
- Projects and Design, including:
Site Photos
Handover Pack Info
- Disposals
- Permanent
- Assigned
- Sublet-Temp
- O&Ms - H&S File/ Fit Out
- Asbuilt Drawings
- Architectural
- Mechanical/Electrical
- Structural/Other
- Photos
- Shop-front
- Elevation
- Rear
- Stockroom
- Sales Floor
- Basement
- External
- Fascia
- Facilities
- Orders
- Quotes
- BV Reports
- Dilapidations
- Local Authority Certification
- Condition Surveys
- Landlord Correspondence
- Thorough Inspections
- Correspondence
- O&M Additional Info
- Compliance/Certification
- Asbestos
- Emergency Lighting
- Sprinklers
- Fire Alarms
- Fixed Wire Testing
- Legionella
- Gas Boilers
- Fire Risk Assessments
- Mansafe Systems
- Smoke Extractors
- Bailers
- Fire Shutters
- Fire Curtains
- Generators
- Lighting Conductors
- Lifts
- Escalators
- Insurance
- Fire Extinguishers
- Security Shutters
- Head Office Facilities
- Office Contractors
- Asset Registers
- Health and Safety
- Corporate Head Office
- International
- Franchise
- Design
- Tenders
- Projects General
- Look and Feel
- New Stores
- Store Refits